Thursday, August 14, 2014

Happy Feast of Saint Maximilian Kolbe

Lately I've been playing with the photo editor and making little saint quote pictures using my pictures and Pic Monkey.  It's gotten me thinking more about feast days in advance and since I made this one yesterday while Sadie was working on her copy work for the morning, lead to a great conversation both about what this quote meant (she was very interested after seeing the picture, although slightly disappointed that I wouldn't make the writing hot pink...) and who Saint Maximilian Kolbe was (which led to about a half dozen more questions and explanations).  And so here's the latest from my photo tinkering time:  

And on a totally random note, in case you're interested but don't follow the blog on facebook or twitter, I've added a chaplet page (it can also be found in the tabs at the top of the blog) and will be adding chaplets as I get them made/ photographed (many are already made and have just been sitting around waiting to be photographed!)!

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